I know I promised some grand sister reunion, some love story to make your heart melt and make you forget the evil in this universe, BUT someone didn't to their homework - GRANDMA! Let me explain...
Do you ever remember standing in front of your teacher, at school trying to make up a really good excuse as to why your homework wasn't done? The unimpressed look staring you down, making you cower in your boots? (I never did but I saw it happen...) At the start of our next lesson I think that is how my Grandma was feeling. I had received no emails in over a week, I could see that no google'ing had occurred since our last lesson and so I was hit with the excuses. Too busy, A lot had been going on, Doctors Appointments, blah blah blah. Hence this lesson was not earth shattering or exciting, just going over the basics sending an email, replying to (and forwarding) an email and google'ing.
We did however have quite an interesting conversation about Twitter, and my newly technologically-ish savvy Grandma inquired about this marvel called a Twitter and what on earth was this thing called 'trending'. Evidently the Grandparental's house watches the Channel 10 television show The Project to find these terms but I did indeed think it was cute. For all those living under a rock, Twitter is this magical thing where people can come together and talk using just 140 characters (that includes spaces). Different sections of the community use it, including political junkies (myself one of them), Goths, those standing up for democracy (look at the Arab Spring/ London Riots), Cyclists, Politicians, News Presenters, The Pope, Sporting Stars (and coaches), those wanting to create alter egos for themselves ... and the list goes on. All someone needs is an email address and 'Bob is your uncle' as the saying goes. Hashtags group likeminded people together #qt for Federal Question Time in Australia, #SOTU of the American State of the Union #pope for the Pope resignation and the possibilities are endless. One can even make up their own hashtag, if they so desired. Twitter is Instagram with words, and Instagram is Twitter but with pictures. On these social media sites you can be as personal or as anonymous as you like, the choice being yours, and despite some people using it for bad things, one can meet some lovely people whose opinions and thoughts you come to admire. As for trending, trending refers to the top hashtags being used at anyone time, for example #pope was trending for a couple of days after Pope Benedict XVI resigned and Malaysia is currently trending given the situation involving SA Senator Nick Xenophon being detained/deported.
So after our impromptu chat about the cyber world, my Grandma has promised that she will email EVERY day as this week is a very special week. This is the week that we come face to face (over Skype) with Grandma's Sister in Eastbourne, United Kingdom and see snow! And just remember, those silly teacher phrases of "practice makes perfect" and "little bits of homework ofter" really do make a difference and make learning things ten times easier, until next time Adieu Adieu.
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